How to use the Serenity Prayer in your life

How to use the Serenity Prayer in your life – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to use the Serenity Prayer in your life. This topic was created by Marcela Martinkova and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - The Simple Modern Prayer That Captures Timeless Truths About Wisdom, Trust And Happiness

Published:  | Submitted by alfredojahn | permalink
The Simple Modern Prayer That Captures Timeless Truths About Wisdom, Trust And Happiness

If you are familiar with Alcoholics Anonymous, have ever read Kurt Vonnegut’s 'Slaughterhouse Five' or saw the recent Denzel Washington movie 'Flight,' then you have encountered the Serenity Pra
Tags: 5, timeless, truths, from, the, serenity, prayer, that, offer, wisdom, in, the, modern, age, religion

Tip 2 - 6 Ways to Apply the Serenity Prayer to Your Life

Published:  | Submitted by Carol Hendrix | permalink
6 Ways to Apply the Serenity Prayer to Your Life

The Serenity Prayer offers valuable lessons on dealing with life’s toughest circumstances. Here are six ways to apply this powerful prayer to your everyday life.
Tags: Serenity Prayer, Faith, Christian, Christianity

Tip 3 - Twenty-Five Words: How The Serenity Prayer Can Save Your Life: Barb Rogers: 9781590030721: Books

Published:  | Submitted by Rain Johanson | permalink

Twenty-Five Words: How The Serenity Prayer Can Save Your Life [Barb Rogers] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. These Twenty-five words are the bedrock of the worldwide Alcoholics Anonymous movement, a movement that has saved and improved millions of lives. When Barb Rogers first heard this prayer a quarter of a century ago
Tags: Barb Rogers,Twenty-Five Words: How The Serenity Prayer Can Save Your Life,Conari Press,1590030729,SEL029000,Twelve-Step Programs,Christian Personal Testimonies & Popular Inspirational Works,Christian prayer,Christian worship,Personal Christian testimony & popular inspirational works,Recovery,Religion - Inspirational/Spirituality,Religion / Spirituality,Self-Help,Self-Help / Recovery,Self-Help / Twelve-Step Programs,Serenity prayer,Spirituality - General

Tip 4 - The Serenity Prayer: Striking a balance between acceptance and change

Published:  | Submitted by Tom Abruzzo | permalink

Members of Alcoholics Anonymous have enthusiastically embraced this prayer -- known as the Serenity Prayer -- almost from the moment they discovered it.
Tags: serenity prayer

Tip 5 - What Works: The Serenity Prayer

Published:  | Submitted by Andre de Castro Scher | permalink
What Works: The Serenity Prayer

“God, grant me the serenity…” You’ve probably heard the Serenity Prayer, whether while attending a 12-Step meeting as a member or guest, or from watching a movie or TV show with a representation of one. Recited by Christians, non-Christians and “spiritual-but-not-religious” seekers alike, the Serenity Prayer…
Tags: alcoholics anonymous,beatitudes,courage,discernment,luke 12:31,powerlessness,radical acceptance,reinhold niebuhr,rick warren,serenity,serenity prayer,symeon the new theologian

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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