I am double-sided on an Iphone and a Samsung S5?

After, owning a Blackberry that kept crashing due to the overload of Whatsapp I am finally ready to move onto the next best thing. Don't me wrong, I do like Blackberry but Whatsapp like millions out there use it as their only constant form of communication with their loved ones. I am nowhere close to giving up whatsapp so instead I need a phone that supports it. Is it going to be an Android or an Iphone?

Tip 1 - iPhone for a friendlier interface or

Published:  | Submitted by Tommy | permalink

Samsung for better battery life... That's my tip for you as an iPhone user my biggest regret is the battery life especially - according to what I have read Samsung has a better battery life and a slight bigger screen advantage makes surfing the webs on the go more user friendly.

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Category: Science & Technology | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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