I have $5. What is the best way to invest and grow my money

I have $5. What is the best way to invest and grow my money.  There are all kinds of advisors who would love to help you grow your money but most of the ones with shinny suites only work with people who have loads of money.  What i have been thinking about is this, if these advisors really knew what they were doing, why would they not just make all the money themselves.  This is not to say, there are no one out there who genuinely knows what they are doing. I would like to get as many tips as possible on how to grow your money, when the amount is very limited.

Tip 1 - What is the best way to invest and grow my $5? - Quora

Published:  | Submitted by Travel King | permalink

I remember reading Tina Sellig's (executive director of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program) book- What I wish I knew when I was 20. (I don't know Tina, though I wish I did, and I love her book.)

She gave her students the exact same problem. Here are her words, with my emphasis. If you don't have time to read the whole thing, just skim and read the words in bold.
