Tip - I have high systolic, but normal diastolic blood pressure. Do I need treatment? - Ask Doctor K

Published  | Submitted by downunderground
I have high systolic, but normal diastolic blood pressure. Do I need treatment? - Ask Doctor K

DEAR DOCTOR K: I'm 71 years old. My systolic blood pressure is usually in the 150s to 160s, which is high. But my diastolic blood pressure is usually in the 70s, which is normal. Do I need treatment? DEAR READER: A blood pressure measurement includes two numbers: systolic pressure (the upper number) and diastolic pressure (the lower number). Your systolic pressure is high: 140 mmHg or over is high. And your lower number is normal: normal diastolic pressure is below 80 mmHg. When your systolic blood pressure is high and your diastolic blood pressure is low, it's called isolated systolic hypertension (ISH).
Tags: ask doctor k blog, health blog, health blogspot

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Posted: 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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