Tip - If The New Limitation On Itemized Deductions Has You Planning To Reduce Your Charitable Contributions, You're Making A Mistake

Published  | Submitted by Sunshine 311
If The New Limitation On Itemized Deductions Has You Planning To Reduce Your Charitable Contributions, You're Making A Mistake

You are one of the high-income taxpayers who will lose a portion of your itemized deductions in 2013. Charitable contributions are an itemized deduction. Therefore, it follows that you shouldn't donate your hard-earned money to charity, right? Wrong. In fact, if you make a lot of money, one could argue that you should contribute even [...]
Tags: Business,Entrepreneurs,Investing,Personal Finance,Strategies Solutions,Taxes,Taxes and Law,Washington,Strategies & Solutions,Taxes & Law

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Posted: 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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