Tip - Improving Stereo Performance of a Surround Sound Setup – Part 1

Published  | Submitted by Chris Polimeni
Improving Stereo Performance of a Surround Sound Setup – Part 1

I hear and read of numerous reports from people with surround sound systems, that are not performing as well as desired for stereo music playback. Some are people who sold their old stereo setup, jumped on the surround sound band wagon, and now miss the musical qualities of their previous system. Others have started out with a surround sound system, but underestimated how much music they play and now find their system lacking in this department. In both cases, people have fallen for the marketing hype that more channels is better, 5.1, 7.1, z height channels etc. For films, games and TV this can provide an enjoyable listening experience, but most of us still listen to a lot of music, 95% of which is still in 2 channel stereo. In this article I’m going to address why a surround sound system can’t compete … <a href="http://www.hifihunter.com/articles/improving-stereo-performance-surround-sound-setup-part-1/" >View advert <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>
Tags: hi-fi,second hand,secondhand,used,ex-demo,home cinema,home theatre

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Posted: 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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