Instructions for Adoption Tax Credit

Instructions for Adoption Tax Credit – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Instructions for Adoption Tax Credit. This topic was created by Carolina Ferreira and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - FAQs | Save the Adoption Tax Credit on

Published:  | Submitted by Andrew Semrad | permalink
FAQs | Save the Adoption Tax Credit on

Below are a series of questions and answers related to our continued advocacy to make the adoption tax credit refundable. What is the adoption tax credit? The adoption tax credit has helped thousands of American families offset the high cost of adoption since the credit was established in 1997. The credit applies to all types…

For further reading: [1]

Tip 2 - IRS Releases 2013 Form 8839 (Qualified Adoption Expenses) and Instructions - Crawford Advisors

Published:  | Submitted by T 3 GORE | permalink

from EBIA The IRS has released the 2013 version of Form 8839 (Qualified Adoption Expenses), as well as updated instructions. Taxpayers use Form 8839 to claim the adoption credit, an exclusion for employer-provided adoption benefits, or both. There are several noteworthy changes to the 2013 form and instructions, as follows: The maximum adoption credit and exclusion amounts have been adjusted to reflect their 2013 values ($12,970 per eligible child). Both the credit and exclusion begin to be phased out for individuals with modified adjusted gross incomes greater than $194,580 and are phased out entirely for individuals with modified adjusted gross incomes of [...]

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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