Ionized Akaline Water Vs. Fluoride Water

Ionized Akaline Water Vs. Fluoride Water – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Ionized Akaline Water Vs. Fluoride Water. This topic was created by Jim Tyrrell and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Alkaline Water According to Dr. Mercola

Published:  | Submitted by Jim Mayer | permalink
Alkaline Water According to Dr. Mercola

Dr. Mercola, together with water filtration expert Houston Tomasz, discusses important information on and the effects of alkaline water to human health.
Tags: alkaline water, alkaline water benefits, what is alkaline water

Tip 2 - Is Alkaline Water Really Better than Ordinary Water?

Published:  | Submitted by Jose Salcedo | permalink
Is Alkaline Water Really Better than Ordinary Water?

Many are wondering what the scoop is on alkaline water, whether it’s something to buy into or not, and what sort of benefits can be had from drinking it. There is a lot of contradictory information out there, so it can be quite confusing and it’s hard to know who to listen to. What you really...

For further reading: [2]

Tip 3 - Alkaline Water: How to Make Alkaline Water

Published:  | Submitted by Isabelle Blangarin | permalink
Alkaline Water: How to Make Alkaline Water

How to make alkaline water at home. Compares water ionizers, distillers, reverse osmosis, filters. Understand making alkaline water at home

Tip 4 - Easy & Cheap Ways to Make Alkaline Water at Home (and other ESSENTIAL Alkaline Water Questions Answered...) - Live Energized

Published:  | Submitted by nakatafolding | permalink
Easy & Cheap Ways to Make Alkaline Water at Home (and other ESSENTIAL Alkaline Water Questions Answered...) - Live Energized

Hi guys Every single day I get questions about water, alkaline water, filtration, hydration and how best to make alkaline water – and just a few weeks ago I had a ‘pop up’ Q&A session where I answered over 900+ questions! And here are the answers to the five most commonly asked alkaline water questions including: 1. What a water ionizer IS and HOW it works (and why it’s the best way to make alkaline water) 2. The best ‘cheap’ way to make alkaline water 3. How much water you should be drinking each day 4. Why drink alkaline water when it will go into our acidic stomach? These questions are all answered in the video below and in written format below! Your “Alkaline Water” Questions Answered – The Video (click here to watch the alkaline water benefits video on youtube) Alkaline Water: The Next 5 Questions Most Important Questions Answered Since early in 2005 I have been answering your alkaline water questions! In addition to the four questions answered in the video above, I have decided to also post the answers to the following questions, as these are also asked a LOT (just not quite as much as the questions above)! Alkaline Water Question 1: How Long Does Alkaline Water Last The answer to this question starts with ‘it depends’. It depends on how the water was made alkaline in the first place. I will give an answer based upon the Rolls-Royce of alkaline water – ionized, alkaline water and take it from there. When you ionize your drinking water the benefits last as follows: pH: lasts around 14 days, longer if the water is chilled and kept in an airtight container ORP (antioxidant content): lasts around 8 hours, but starts to degrade immediately. Again, lasts a little longer if chilled & air-tight. Note: you only get the antioxidant benefit from an ionizer, not from pH drops or non-electrical filters. There are a few things to note though, that can impact either of these measures. pH and ORP tend to fare less well in metal/steel containers, especially the ORP which is almost immediately removed. They also don’t do so well in the type of plastic bottle that bottled water comes in. The best container is a BPA-free plastic, or ideally glass. ORP also doesn’t do well with movement, so once it’s in your bottle, if you go for a run or transport the bottle around you start to lose this ORP benefit. For instance, if you fill your bottle and go for a run, the more you drink it and create space in the bottle the quicker the ORP will disappear. And if you’re off on a trip, try to fill the bottle to the top as much as possible to create as little as possible space in the bottle. Heat doesn’t impact it too quickly from my findings. I have tested ionized, alkaline water that has been boiled many times and the pH and ORP tend to hold – however, this is in my glass kettle – not a stainless steel one. You would lose the ORP in a SS kettle. Alkaline Water Question 2: Why Drink Alkaline Water if the Stomach Digests with Acid? This is an interesting and VERY common alkaline water question. To be totally honest, the best answer to this is provided by Robert Young: Many people ask me about what good alkaline electron-rich water does since “everyone knows” it is just going into the highly acidic stomach. The problem here is not with the alkaline water meeting acid, it is with what “everyone knows.” There is no hydrochloric acid pouch in our body. The stomach wall makes sodium bicarbonate to alkalize the food not digest the food. For every molecule of sodium bicarbonate produced to increase the alkalinity of food a molecule of HCl is also created. HCL is a very strong and toxic acid. The HCL falls into the gastric pits of the stomach away from the food as the sodium bicarbonate rises to the top to contact the food for alkalizing. That is why after the food leaves the stomach there is no sodium bicarbonate left just the remaining HCL acid that has to be eliminated through the blood and/or lymph. Low water content, acid-forming foods like meats, eggs, and breads cause the release of larger amounts of sodium bicarbonate with an equal amount of HCl poison. High-water-content foods such as non-starchy vegetables require much less sodium bicarbonate to alkalize the food and therefore there is less HCL acid residue in the stomach left over after the food has exited. The result is no indigestion or risk of acid reflux or stomach ulcers or even stomach cancer. Alkaline electron-rich water—being extremely high in electron content! — does not trigger the release of sodium bicarbonate and thus does not cause the creation of the acid HCl, so it does not interfere with the alkalizing of the food. In fact alkaline electron-rich water with its high concentration of electrons helps the alkalizing of the food and also helps to neutralize the caustic acidic poisonous HCL, preventing the acidification of the blood and tissues. So drink up alkalize electron-rich water, juices and green drink! Source: Articles of Health This is such a great explanation. The HCL is harmful to the body and is only produced when we eat or drink acid-forming (unhealthy) foods and drinks and is balanced in equal proportion by Sodium Bicarbonate production in the body. When we consume alkaline forming foods and drinks the body does not need the sodium bicarbonate production and thus the HCL production is not required either! Alkaline Water Question 3: How Does Ionized Water Compare with Distilled or Reverse Osmosis There are three qualities you’re looking for in your water (well, there are a couple more but these are the main ones) and you should aim to get all three – as you’re wanting to drink between 2-4 litres of the stuff every single day: Filtration …

Tip 5 - Water Ionizers - Alkaline Ionized Water. Reliable Water Ionizers

Published:  | Submitted by Solenne de Lagarrigue | permalink
Water Ionizers - Alkaline Ionized Water. Reliable Water Ionizers

Water ionizers from AlkaViva are premium, include best ultra water filters, giving you the healthiest and cleanest alkaline ionized water possible.
Tags: water ionizer, ionized water

Tip 6 - Alkaline Water Exposed - What They Don't Tell You

Published:  | Submitted by Shai Benmoshe | permalink

AquaLiv Water is perfect spring water - on tap!

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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