Laptop Hinge Problems

Laptop Hinge Problems – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Laptop Hinge Problems. This topic was created by Flex Mentallo and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Repair broken hinges of a laptop screen.

Published:  | Submitted by Ed Ballina | permalink
Repair broken hinges of a laptop screen.

Imagine that - a beautifull day, you are sitting comfortaby on the couch, you are opening the laptop lid aaand one of the hinges cracks... What a disa...

Tip 2 - Laptop "hinge" is broken and needs replacement

Published:  | Submitted by DIRK PONNET | permalink
Laptop "hinge" is broken and needs replacement

My HP ENVY Sleekbook 6-1010us has a broken hinge on the left side, the hinge used for opening the screen. Now, whenever I open the laptop, the screen becomes detached from the bottom and is held together by some wires and god knows what else. I then have to "re-assemble it", essentially. This worrie...
Tags: memory, HD, WLAN, compatible , upgrade , specs

Tip 3 - Laptop Hinge Problems | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Pascal Legroux | permalink
Laptop Hinge Problems | eHow

The convenience of a laptop computer can often be mitigated by its delicacy. If a computer survives past the end of its warranty without the hard drive, keyboard or monitor requiring replacement, the next likely problem will be with its hinges. The hinges see more wear than almost any other part of the computer, and may begin to cause problems as...

Tip 4 - How to Fix a Loose Laptop Hinge | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Siby Vadakekkara | permalink
How to Fix a Loose Laptop Hinge | eHow

A loose laptop hinge can cause a plethora of problems. The wobbly screen can be difficult to view, the laptop may be harder to close or open, and it’s even possible that the LCD screen could detach from the laptop after repeated strain on the loose hinge. Luckily, you can fix a loose laptop hinge within just a few minutes, provided you follow...

Tip 5 - Problem with Hinges on G570 model laptop

Published:  | Submitted by Huzefa Panvelwala | permalink
Problem with Hinges on G570 model laptop

Hello Lenovo, I'm a very unhappy customer who always had good experiences with Dell or HP.  This is the first time I bought Lenovo laptop.  After 5 months the hinge stopped working and started to lift the plastic of the case.  I called the support and they told me it is covered on warranty and just ...
Tags: Battery, BIOS, G470, g510, G550, g560, g570, g580, lenovo, problem

Tip 6 - Drilling Into a Laptop: Extreme Hinge Repair

Published:  | Submitted by Cindy Sherrett | permalink
Drilling Into a Laptop: Extreme Hinge Repair

What is it with laptop companies spending millions on design and aesthetics... and then using a cheap hinge design that is almost guaranteed to break? After [Peter Zotov] spent hours trying to fin...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

9.8k+ Reads
6 Tips
7 Votes
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