List of Top General Practice Doctors in White City, OR 97503

Best Compilation of top qualified and experienced doctors / Specialists of General Practice based in White City, OR 97503 curated by community and team based on reviews and recommendations of community.

Tip 1 - Dr. Lary P. Stieglitz, MD

Published:  | Submitted by Ellen Newberry | permalink

Dr. Stieglitz, Lary
Experience: 30 Years
Specialization: General Practice
Contact No: (541) 826-2111
Address: 8495 Crater Lake Hwy, White City, OR 97503

Tip 2 - Dr. Steven M. White, MD

Published:  | Submitted by Christina Barrett | permalink

Dr. White, Steven
Experience: 41 Years
Specialization: General Practice
Contact No: (541) 826-2111
Address: 8495 Crater Lake Hwy, White City, OR 97503

Tip 3 - Dr. Neal T. Thompson, MD

Published:  | Submitted by Paul Streicher | permalink

Dr. Thompson, Neal
Experience: 30 Years
Specialization: General Practice
Contact No: (541) 826-2111
Address: 8495 Crater Lake Hwy, White City, OR 97503

Tip 4 - Dr. Derek Mortimer-Lamb, MD

Published:  | Submitted by Gary Blaisdell | permalink

Dr. Mortimer-Lamb, Derek
Experience: Not Available
Specialization: General Practice
Contact No: (541) 826-2111
Address: 8495 Crater Lake Hwy, White City, OR 97503

Tip 5 - Dr. Harry L. Walters, MD

Published:  | Submitted by Cees van Dam | permalink

Dr. Walters, Harry
Experience: 46 Years
Specialization: General Practice
Contact No: (541) 826-2111
Address: 8495 Crater Lake Hwy, White City, OR 97503

Tip 6 - Dr. Steven H. Shaw, MD

Published:  | Submitted by Fabrice Magne | permalink

Dr. Shaw, Steven
Experience: 20 Years
Specialization: General Practice
Contact No: (541) 826-2111
Address: 8495 Crater Lake Hwy, White City, OR 97503

Tip 7 - Dr. Mary Neill, MD

Published:  | Submitted by Thomas Viertler | permalink

Dr. Neill, Mary
Experience: 28 Years
Specialization: General Practice
Contact No: (541) 826-2111
Address: 8495 Crater Lake Hwy, White City, OR 97503

References & Citations

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