Used to be I had a lot of trouble with crankbaits. I had several different colors, styles, and brands, but I never used any one of them enough to get good at working it. The answer lay in a bit of organization. So I bought a bunch of Bandit baits in sizes 100, 200, and 300. Each series dives to a different depth, but the baits are otherwise similar. I figured using one brand and style would make things easier. Then I set a few small buoys at different known depths and anchored a short distance away. By casting beyond the buoys and retrieving the bait I would know if I was hitting bottom or not at a specific depth. I learned a lot this way. Tags: crankbaits, crankbait casting, bait casting, casting tips, casting tip, crankbait, fishing
Posted: 9 years, 7 month(s) ago
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