
Tip - Mahesh Mohan: Find The Value Of Your Web Property In Less Than 5 Minutes Using Flippa

Published  | Submitted by Ana Smith

Find The Value Of Your Web Property In Less Than 5 Minutes Using Flippa


I believe that almost all web properties have some value even if it’s not generating any income at present. However, I don’t think that there is a definite rule to value an online property since each business is different. And no tool can accurately value the worth of these online businesses.


But still the easiest way to find the fair value of an online property is by using Flippa's Advanced Search. Flippa allows us to filter the search results based on several criteria like property type, domain, traffic, revenue, profit, etc. So if I want to sell my website and want to find its value then I can easily find related websites on Flippa that have been sold recently.

About Author

Bio: Ana has extensive experience in the content industry, having worked for several major publications alongside her freelance work. Other than being in love with her work, she enjoys cooking, listening... read more »

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Posted: 11 years ago

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