Making Sure Homeschooled Kids Follow a Schedule

A lot of parents these days prefer home schooling their kids, but face the challenge of making their children strictly follow a schedule. Most children start taking it for granted and don't study as seriously as they should. This list of tips here has been compiled to help those parents who struggle with home schooling kids and bringing them tips from experts and community members who have had similar experiences.

Tip 1 - Don't be too lenient about the schedule ever

Published:  | Submitted by Manny56 | permalink

Most parents fall for their children pleading and begging for a day off or some relaxation. While this is alright on rare occasions, making it a frequent affair is what puts children off from following a schedule. Once they feel that you are not too concerned about it yourself, its importance wears off for them.

Tip 2 - Heather: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Published:  | Submitted by Ana Smith | permalink
Heather: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." 


Even if you use a loose schedule, you should at least have written goals and an idea of how much you want to accomplish each day. You can never "hit the target" if you don't know whether what you are doing is pointing you towards your goals.

Read more from Heather following the link below.

For further reading: [2]

Tip 3 - Keep demanding tasks in the morning, creative in the afternoon

Published:  | Submitted by Advice | permalink
Keep demanding tasks in the morning, creative in the afternoon

Keep demanding tasks in the morning
Most children (and adults) possess better focus and concentration mid-morning. This is the period where you should schedule the meat of your curriculum: the essential lessons and more difficult subjects.

Get creative in the afternoon

Schedule creative, time-consuming, hands-on projects in the afternoon. The afternoons are also perfect for going on field trips, getting outside for active play or meeting up with other homeschooling families.

About Author

Bio: Ana has extensive experience in the content industry, having worked for several major publications alongside her freelance work. Other than being in love with her work, she enjoys cooking, listening... read more »

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Category: Education | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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