Making the Perfect Whipped Cream

I love topping my desserts with whipped cream and even eating it with a spoon! Trying to make whipped cream at home though has not turned out so well. I know some people do it really well, so can someone please please share tips that I can work with to make amazing whipped cream myself?

Tip 1 - Chill your cream and beater first

Published:  | Submitted by Soreb | permalink

Cold cream whips up faster so before you begin making whipped cream, chill it and your beater for about 10 minutes.

Tip 2 - Be careful of over whipping

Published:  | Submitted by Susanne | permalink

If you over whip your cream it will start separating into butter and get a grainy texture. Just whip till it starts peaking slightly.

Tip 3 - Don't forget to add the sugar

Published:  | Submitted by Rossi English | permalink

Sugar is essential for flavoring the cream. As soon as you notice it becoming thick, add 1 teaspoon sugar for every half a cup of cream. If you don't mind more flavor you can also used vanilla extract.

Tip 4 - Use skim milk powder and icing sugar to stabilize your whipped cream

Published:  | Submitted by Tiffany J | permalink

Once you are done whipping up your cream you should take some skim milk powder (about 1 tablespoon) for each cup of cream and mix it up with a little icing sugar. Then add them both to your cream and beat it some more to make it smooth and stiff.

Tip 5 - Use a bowl which is just wide enough for your beater

Published:  | Submitted by Nancy Bertschy | permalink

In my experience, smaller bowls give the best results, when they are wide enough just to fit the beater. This ensures that the cream is uniformly whipped and mixed together without any lumps. If you have a wide bowl, you are likely to leave some patches unmixed.

Tip 6 - Use and Ice bowl during summers

Published:  | Submitted by Trista Harris | permalink

Cream whips up nicely only if chilled. During summers you will find it hard to whip it up properly and for that you should get a bowl and fill it up with ice. Then place the bowl with the cream inside that bowl and then start whipping it.

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Category: Food & Drink | 10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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