Tip - Managing a downturn: How the US defense industry can learn from its past

Published  | Submitted by antistar
Managing a downturn: How the US defense industry can learn from its past

Companies that assertively managed their portfolio thrived in the last budget downturn. The same strategy will work again today, but companies must be mindful of the new context. A McKinsey & Company article.
Tags: US defense industry downturn,defense companies portfolio management,Managing in Uncertainty,Global forces,Geopolitics,Defense & security,Aerospace,United States,US defense companies manage downturn,US Defense Department, Future Combat System, Combat Search and Rescue Helicopter, Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle, Presidential Helicopter, Next-Generation Cruiser, Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter, defense industry consolidation, Long-Range Strike Bomber

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Posted: 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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