Mentally Ill Health Care in America

Mentally Ill Health Care in America – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Mentally Ill Health Care in America. This topic was created by Frank Monzo and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Seven facts about America’s mental health-care system

Published:  | Submitted by Patrick Van Herpen | permalink
Seven facts about America’s mental health-care system

The United States spends 5.6 percent of its health care budget on mental health treatment, which is on par with other developed nations. More spending goes towards prescription drugs than hospitalizations. And 45 percent of those with unmet needs cite cost as a barrier.
Tags: health care, newton, mental health, insurance, shootings, massacre, obamacare, affordable care act,

Tip 2 - Mental Illness and the Family: Finding the Right Mental Health Care For You

Published:  | Submitted by Curtis Pack | permalink
Mental Illness and the Family: Finding the Right Mental Health Care For You

If you or someone you know may benefit from a counselor or mental health center, here are some questions and guidelines to help you find the right care. Where Can I Go For Help? Where you go for help will depend on who has the problem (an adult or child) and the nature of the problem and/or symptoms. Often, the best place to start is your local Mental Health Association. Check your Yellow Pages for a listing or calling Mental Health America. Other suggested resources:

Tip 3 - Cost of not caring: Nowhere to go

Published:  | Submitted by Drive By Upgrades 3 | permalink
Cost of not caring: Nowhere to go

Advocates for the mentally ill say the official mental health system is inaccessible to many patients, who often wind up in a de facto system that includes jails, homeless shelters and emergency rooms.

Tip 4 - America's mental health care crisis: families left to fill the void of a broken system

Published:  | Submitted by John Hwang | permalink
America's mental health care crisis: families left to fill the void of a broken system

The first instalment in a series on the state of mental health care in the US finds a system grossly insufficient to handle demand, leaving many patients, and their caregivers, to fend for themselves
Tags: Mental health,Health,Society,World news

Tip 5 - America’s Failing Mental Health System: Families Struggle to Find Quality Care |

Published:  | Submitted by Yaguinho Cesar | permalink
America’s Failing Mental Health System: Families Struggle to Find Quality Care |

Parents of severely mentally ill children face a disjointed and incomplete system of care
Tags: mental health, children's mental illness, developmental disabilities, mental health system, serious mental illness, treatment for mental illness

Tip 6 - Why can't America care for the mentally ill? | Fox News

Published:  | Submitted by Kurt Niska | permalink
Why can't America care for the mentally ill? | Fox News

What has happened to render such a great nation so incapable or unwilling -- or both -- of caring for the mentally ill?  

Tip 7 - Mental illness is no crime -

Published:  | Submitted by Coctailrob | permalink
Mental illness is no crime -

We can do better for people with mental illness than just locking them up in jail and prison, say Newt Gingrich and Van Jones.
Tags: opinions, Mental illness is no crime -

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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