Tip - Michael D. Edelson : Edelson Clifford D'Angelo Friedman

Published  | Submitted by Gagan

Michael D. Edelson Ottawa. There is no better lawyer when it comes criminal defense. Michael Edelson is a formidable advocate, known for a tough, direct style and aggressive demands for disclosure of the state's evidence against his clients. 

At 60, Edelson is fit, with a touch of grey streaking his curly black hair. An Ottawa columnist described it as a "Tom Jones circa 1965 hairstyle." Edelson enters a courtroom confidently.

His stance wide, one hand shoved in a pocket, he has the air of a gunslinger.  Michael Edelson has been repeatedly voted by his peers as one of "The Best Lawyers in Canada" in the area of criminal defence.

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Posted: 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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