Military Ranks Explained

Military Ranks Explained – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Military Ranks Explained. This topic was created by Gene Moore and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Military ranks explained

Published:  | Submitted by slonik 123 | permalink
Military ranks explained

A large number of you out there expressed an interest in understanding military rank, so as a veteran I decided to write a post covering this issue. Today, I am going to explain the ins and outs of...
Tags: us military,military rank,us military rank chart,veteran,marines,navy,air force,coast guard,military service,army,nco,officer,non-commissioned officer,corps,battlefield,president,secretary of defense,authority,power,military,warrant,warrant officer,general,flag,general officer,commissioned officer,commission,military ranks

Tip 2 - List of Military Rank Order | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Ellen Feeney | permalink
List of Military Rank Order | eHow

Each of the four branches of the United States military has its own system and order of rank. Some ranks are common to all four branches and some are specific to one branch. Many who join the service begin at the lowest rank, although those who have college degrees can often start off their military careers as officers.

Tip 3 - USMC Ranks

Published:  | Submitted by Rahul Jindal | permalink
USMC Ranks

Listing of ranks of the United States Marine Corps, arranged lowest to highest.

Tip 4 - US Navy Ranks

Published:  | Submitted by Przemyslaw Nogaj | permalink
US Navy Ranks

Listing of ranks of the United States Navy, arranged lowest to highest.

Tip 5 - The British Army - Ranks

Published:  | Submitted by Mehmet Karadayi | permalink

The rank system forms the backbone of the Army's structure and it defines a soldier or officer's role and degree of responsibility.
Tags: British Army, Operations, Joining the army,

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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