Moleskin Fabric Description

Moleskin Fabric Description – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Moleskin Fabric Description. This topic was created by Davy Maharaj and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - What is moleskin fabric?

Published:  | Submitted by Angela Shorr | permalink
What is moleskin fabric?

Learn about the makeup, the benefits and the style choices of moleskin trousers and jackets. And also find out who wears them.
Tags: moleskin trousers

Tip 2 - Sew Classic Moleskin Fabric | Jo-Ann

Published:  | Submitted by Victoria Tarrani | permalink

44'' Wide. 97% Polyester, 3% Spandex. Machine Wash Cool Delicate, No Chlorine Bleach, Line Dry. South Korea. Sold by the Yard, Fabric on an 8 Yard Bolt.
Tags: 50apparelfabric,apparelfabrics,cybermondayapparel,fauxsuede,moleskin,scapparel13,scsuedecloth,sewclassic,suedecloth

Tip 3 - What Is Moleskin? | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Porto | permalink
What Is Moleskin? | eHow

The term moleskin may sound vaguely gross and bring to mind thoughts of animal cruelty and furs, but moleskin is actually a natural fabric made of cotton. Moleskin clothing and first aid bandages are common usages for this material. The soft, durable, windproof and cushioned material is similar to corduroy but feels more like a suede leather. The...

Tip 4 - Moleskin Fabric

Published:  | Submitted by Brenda Monsalve | permalink

Moleskin by the yard and at discount prices. Polyester and lycra spandex moleskin, cotton moleskin. This is an online store where you can buy moleskin fabric.

Tip 5 - the definition of moleskin

Published:  | Submitted by Bill amp Minnie Richards | permalink
the definition of moleskin

Moleskin definition, the soft, deep-gray, fragile fur of the mole. See more.
Tags: moleskin, online dictionary, English dictionary, moleskin definition, define moleskin, definition of moleskin, moleskin pronunciation, moleskin meaning, moleskin origin, moleskin examples

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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