When Mom and Pop got married, Pop had to call Mamaw to get this recipe. When he was growing up, they were really poor (Papaw was a Baptist preacher and worked at various jobs. Back then life was hard for a preacher with 4 kids). This was one of their desserts. Mom also made this when we were growing up and to this day, I still love a big hot heapin helpin. One might ask how do you eat chocolate gravy? With homemade cat-head biscuits (Mamaw called them this because she made them big as a cats head) or canned country-style (Do not try this with one of those flaky-type canned biscuits - it just isnt the same.) and a chunk of butter about the size of the tip of your thumb. Let it kinda melt, then eat away. This is just like any other gravy, other than the addition of the butter at the table. I eat this with milk or coffee as the beverage, as nothing else tastes good. This is Redneck comfort food at its finest! **Times and yield are approximate. Please Tags: granulated sugar,Splenda sugar substitute,butter,milk,flour,unsweetened cocoa powder recipe, recipes, recipies
Posted: 9 years, 8 month(s) ago
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