Most Common Job Interview Questions

I have been applying for jobs and want to know which are the most common questions asked in job interviews. It would be great if a manager or an interviewer could give me some tips to prepare for these interviews.

Tip 1 - Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?

Published:  | Submitted by Jessica Thompson | permalink

This is a tricky question. You might think telling your prospective employer about your big entrepreneurship plans is a good idea, but it's not. You need to show the interviewer that you are serious about sticking around and working for the company he/she represents.

Tip 2 - What Drives You Professionally?

Published:  | Submitted by Henderson | permalink

This is one question that gives you the chance to highlight your personality and give the interviewer a peek into how you think and how you will work if hired. You can be driven by money, challenges, desire for success, learning, gaining experience or working with people who are at the top of your field. Choose any of these that you find suitable and expand on it.

Tip 3 - Tell Me a Little About Yourself

Published:  | Submitted by Nelson | permalink

Expect this question in every interview. It might seem like a harmless question but it is actually your chance to project an impressive image of yourself.

Tip 4 - What assets or skills can you bring to our company?

Published:  | Submitted by Lester B | permalink
What assets or skills can you bring to our company?

This question allows you the applicant to sell yourself to the manager or employer. Answer wisely, and don't sell yourself short.

Tip 5 - Do You Consider Yourself a Team Player?

Published:  | Submitted by Hillary Adams | permalink

If the job you are applying for is about working in a team you will be asked whether you can work comfortably with other people. If you say yes, the interviewer might ask you for previous examples of when you worked in a team atmosphere.

To answer this, explain your experience of working in a team and how you managed it all smoothly.

Tip 6 - Why should we pick you instead of someone else

Published:  | Submitted by 3ak | permalink

Companies usually put up job posts, more than 50 people will be applying for that 1 job therefore they ask you "Why they should pick you instead of someone else" meaning what do you bring to the table that others may not have? You need to be as confident as possible when telling them what you bring, even if its an exaggeration... confidence takes you a long way.

Tip 7 - Why Did You Leave Your Last Organization

Published:  | Submitted by Rupert Clark | permalink

This is another important question. If this is not your first job, you will be asked about your previous experience and why you left that organization. Be careful not to badmouth anyone from your previous organization because the interviewer will take that as a negative aspect.

You can say you didn't find opportunities for growth, you had personal issues, the commute was too long etc. Just keep in mind that any answer you give will make an impact on your impression.

Tip 8 - What is your biggest weakness

Published:  | Submitted by Ivan Kucherenko | permalink

What is your biggest weakness

They always ask this question although no one in their right mind actually shares the weakness. Best way to answer is to take one of your strength and state it as a weakness.  For example, I do what it takes to meet the deadlines, which some times puts a pressure on the team and myself. 

Tip 9 - How and What Do You Know About Us

Published:  | Submitted by Riley | permalink

Every interviewer wants to know how you found out about the position, what you know about the organization and what you think about it all. This is your opportunity to show that you did your research and are actually interested in working for that particular organization.

Tip 10 - What are your Salary expectations

Published:  | Submitted by Prem Kumar | permalink

At the end of the interview mostly if the employers are interested in hiring you they will surely ask you what would be your expectation?

Tip 11 - email address lists for sale

Published:  | Submitted by latestdatabase 5 | permalink
email address lists for sale

The soft bounce - These are messages that can be delivered at a later time. They'reattributable to the recipient's mailbox gettingcomplete.

For further reading: [11]

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Category: Careers & Work | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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