Most common startup mistakes

Most common startup mistakes. There are lots of new ventures being created and it is amazing how so many of them make the same mistakes.  It is hard to believe, why startup founders don't learn from other people's mistakes or at least know what they are.  This is a place to list as many startup mistakes as possible. Goal is to create the largest startups mistakes Tip repository.

Tip 1 - Keeping it a big secret

Published:  | Submitted by Tiger | permalink

Let's face it, your idea is no cure for cancer and keeping it a secret is not a wise move. Tell everyone about it. Sooner you find out if people want it or not better it is. Stealth mode is an excuse to not want real feedback. 

Tip 2 - First Impression is the Last Impression

Published:  | Submitted by Hasan Shirazi | permalink

This doesn't mean that there cannot be any bug, you can launch in stealth mode while keeping it public beta to let the users know that you're still in a phase of improvement.

However, this is really necessary that your first time visitor should get value and understand the concept behind your startup.

Tip 3 - Hiring Too Quickly

Published:  | Submitted by Robert Fleming | permalink
Hiring Too Quickly

Hiring Too Quickly
As an entrepreneur, you are naturally eager to move fast and build a big business. Not only that but you are by nature impatient, no matter how fast you’re moving. That’s partly what makes you who you are; and why you don’t fit into the normal routine of a corporate job.

Inevitably you make the mistake of hiring someone too quickly. Just don’t do it. Listen to your hunch. Take your time on hiring – it’s the single most important investment you make.  Do it carefully.

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Category: Business & Finance | 10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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