Moving On After a Breakup

Breakups are hard for everyone but I suppose the best thing to do is to move on as soon as possible. What do you guys do to get over a relationship and get on with your life?

Tip 1 - Don't hang out at the same places

Published:  | Submitted by Oliver | permalink

A good way to let go and move on is to not hang out at the places you used to with your partner. Its easier this way.

Tip 2 - Remove all his stuff and belongings

Published:  | Submitted by Abbyjohnson | permalink

Don't keep anything that belongs to him in your place. You can offer to return it all, and if he doesn't pick them up, you can have them sent or donated to charity. The more you have of him around you the harder it will be to move on.

Tip 3 - Get Out There and Find Someone to be Friends With

Published:  | Submitted by Ben Johnson | permalink

The best way to go about this is to get out with friends, go places and find new people that interest you. Making new friends is a great way to get over the past and divert your attention. Being with new friends will give you new perspectives and new things to look at. You will also learn a lot of things with a chance in company. Try it.

Tip 4 - Take a Good Long Vacation to Clear Your Head

Published:  | Submitted by Jessica Thompson | permalink

Vacations are always good and more so to get over a break up. Go out, visit a new place, meet new people and take time to think and clear your head.

Tip 5 - Spend more time with friends and family

Published:  | Submitted by Tipster | permalink

Friends, family and loved ones can be very comforting in hard times like this. Just try and spend more time with them and you will automatically start feeling better. This will also help you realize how you are surrounded by people who care for you. Moving on can be easier when you share with loved ones.

Tip 6 - Give Yourself A Makeover - Try Everything You Wanted

Published:  | Submitted by Hillary Adams | permalink

I feel the best way to get over a breakup is to give yourself a makeover. If you ever wanted short hair, this is the time to get them. Were you wanting to color them? go ahead. There is no one in your life to stop you or criticize your appearance, so feel free to do all the things YOU wanted to to do for yourself and not your partner. This will give you a sense of freedom and you will enjoy doing exactly what you wanted.

Tip 7 - Leave yourself no memories

Published:  | Submitted by Amanda 12 | permalink
Leave yourself no memories

Yes, your brain has stored memories of the person however slowly but surely your brain will slowly let go off them memories... don't make it harder by keeping photos/videos of your partner as your "heal time" will take even longer - you will be doing yourself no favours.

Tip 8 - Ceo Email List

Published:  | Submitted by atekur | permalink
Ceo Email List

CEO Email List for online mailing marketer for make business opportunity and good relationship with chief executive officer.

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Category: Relationships & Family | 10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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