Navy Recruiter Job Description

Navy Recruiter Job Description – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Navy Recruiter Job Description. This topic was created by Bad Boy Benny PCPP and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - See What It Takes to Become a Navy Recruiter :

Published:  | Submitted by Helene Duchesneau | permalink

Learn about becoming a Recruiter in the US Navy. Make a lasting impact by finding the best and brightest. Help them find the ultimate career serving in America’s Navy.
Tags: Recruiter, US Navy, America's Navy, Recruit for the navy, military recruiter, recruiting job, military recruiting job, be a military recruiter, recruit for the military, recruit for the Navy, be a Navy recruiter

Tip 2 - NEC Codes - 9585 Navy Recruiter Canvasser

Published:  | Submitted by Wouter van der Hucht | permalink
NEC Codes - 9585 Navy Recruiter Canvasser

Navy Enlisted Classification codes identify a non-rating wide skill, knowledge, aptitude, or qualification that must be documented to identify both people and billets for management purposes. Here is the information for Navy NEC 9585 Navy Recruiter Canvasser

Tip 3 - Navy Recruiter Job Description | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Kelly Holliday | permalink
Navy Recruiter Job Description | eHow

Today's Navy offers men and women several career of job options once basic training has been completed, with one such job being that of a Navy recruiter. A recruiter's primary responsibility is to guide qualified individuals into any one of the many career options available in the Navy. It is an important job in being able to screen civilians to...

Tip 4 - U.S. Military Job Descriptions: Navy Recruiters

Published:  | Submitted by Jason Goddard | permalink
U.S. Military Job Descriptions: Navy Recruiters

Navy recruiters step down from their roles to take on the task of motivating others to join the Navy. First class petty officers to senior chief petty officers are eligible to join the recruiting force. What is involved in motivating others to join the Navy?

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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