Need Motivational Tips for My Sales Team

All Sales Managers have been there, we all know making sales on the ground is one of the hardest parts of the job. However, we must continue to keep our sales teams motivated so that they don't lose heart by failure and keep trying. What are your tips for motivating a sales team in tough times?

Tip 1 - Fire those who don't perform well enough

Published:  | Submitted by Zoot Byrne | permalink

You might be thinking that this will effect your team but this will work because it will set an example for the others as well as on the other hand give a reward to those who are performing well.

Tip 2 - Happy work force = Happy customers

Published:  | Submitted by Larry Cantor | permalink

Provide your work force with a great atmosphere because if they don't have a great atmosphere you cannot expect your customer satisfaction at all because when they are getting the raw deal at work themselves they will give that to your business customers too.


Provide them with positive constructive feedback, proper training material etc.

Tip 3 - Have Fun with Your Team

Published:  | Submitted by Iain Littlejohn | permalink

Plan a day out officially with your team, maybe get engaged with them in some sales contest or create a tradition in your office for playing a motivational song in the morning or so.

Tip 4 - Ben Affleck: Boiler Room (2000)

Published:  | Submitted by Hasan Shirazi | permalink
Ben Affleck: Boiler Room (2000)

There is no such thing as a no sale call. A sale is made on every call you make. Either you sell the client some stock or he sells you a reason he can't. Either way a sale is made, the only question is who is gonna close? You or him? Now be relentless, that's it, I'm done

Tip 5 - Lead by example

Published:  | Submitted by Gabriela Hrabanova | permalink

According to Michael Talve, Founder and CEO of The Expert Institute. 

Create an example how your sales team should manage their clients account. Exceptional service & personal interest is the key to a long lasting customer relationship which will generate significant revenue for years and years.

For further reading: [5]

Tip 6 - Organize weekly sales meetings

Published:  | Submitted by Val Ward | permalink

On a weekly basis sit with your sales team and discuss about the things which went great and the ones which needs improvement. Discuss over the goals, set a plan of action, keep the customer feedbacks on the table of discussion with your team. Appreciate if someone within your team took some initiative to satisfy customer need that generated sales.

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Category: Business & Finance | 10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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