Need advice on looking for jobs in Australia

I am about to finish my BBA degree in Australia and then ill be looking for a job. I have a couple of internships under my belt but I want some advice on the kind of jobs I should be looking for and the best places to apply in Australia, specifically Adelaide.

Tip 1 - Target the industry related to your degree

Published:  | Submitted by JoanaBegum | permalink
Target the industry related to your degree

Check out the top 20 companies in your industry that you'd like to work for, from my knowledge the main industries are the following within Australia: mining, tourism and manufacturing.

Recent growth has also occurred within the financial services sector! Just break down the top 20 companies and try to find a website for each, every major company has a careers section and that is where you apply from. Read instructions properly as your application will be rejected straight away if they feel you have not read the instructions properly.

For further reading: [1]

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Category: Education | 10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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