Every great business had a moment of darkness when all things were seemingly about to fall down in destruction. And someone held on to hope an worked like mad. The crisis and trouble usually makes you come out of it unstoppable or stops you completely. No great entrepreneur will succeed without the struggle of tasting defeat and the sweet smell of victory. I've failed over a hundred times and I believe that is why I am successful today. I've tasted the poverty and I've tasted the wealth. And during my times of poverty I worked harder smarter faster and longer and by god almighty always stayed on my feet. Even when knocked down I rose up again as fast as I could without losing any enthusiasm. That is the power of a determined soul they are for better words or less invincible.
#theartofdreamchasing #failforward #youeithergroworgrow #dreamchasingfamily #thefailureshow
Dean Coulson Says: Thanks, needed to read that tonight
Alexi Neocleous Says: one of my notes from mastermind "comfort is the enemy!"
Matt Cirino Says: I needed this
Peter Moriarty Says: Few more than one haha. The struggle and the challenge is the ledge we need to leap off
By: Com Mirza
Posted: 10 years, 11 month(s) ago
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