What's your advice on how to get rid of them without poisoning myself or my family? [...] dig a shallow hole to place them in. Soak the cardboard with water and sprinkle it heavily with boric acid or borax and then bury it. The termites should go to the cardboard and stay away from the wood you are using, and the boric acid or borax will kill them. [...] you can treat the wood you are using for the raised beds with a sodium borate such as BoraCare. How do I get rid of the chiggers, since I can't see them? I wear high boots now when I go into the coop. Remove the chickens for a day or so and then completely spray the inside of the coop, including the walls, with Greenbug or Outdoors. Is there anything that gives them the message to go away? I don't want to poison, because it kills everything else as well. Get some food-grade diatomaceous earth, available at a local feed store, and blow some dust in any and all cracks and crevices where spiders may hide. [...] you can spray any spiders that come out from the dusted areas with dish soap and water and alcohol (equal parts).
Posted: 9 years, 7 month(s) ago
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