Obesity Treatments & Solutions

Obesity Treatments & Solutions – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Obesity Treatments & Solutions. This topic was created by YALL 4 EVATHATSJMELUVLEE and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Obesity-Treatment Overview

Published:  | Submitted by Sander Dolphin | permalink
Obesity-Treatment Overview

Treatment for obesity will be most successful if you create a long - term plan with your doctor. A reasonable goal might be to begin making lifestyle changes by increasing physical activity and limiting calories.Your initial goal should be to improve your health, not to achieve an ideal weight. Although the “formula” for weight loss-to burn more calories than you take in-is not complicated, it
Tags: Atkins diet, biliopancreatic diversion, BPD, Diet, dietary guidelines, diets, disease treatment overview, lifestyle changes, Lose Weight, losing weight, McDougall diet, McDougall plan, obesity treatment, Ornish diet, Ornish program, Pritikin diet, Scopinaro procedure, very low calorie diet, very-low calorie diet, VLCD, Weight loss, Weight Loss Diet, zone diet

Tip 2 - Why Exercise and Diet Changes May Not Be Enough to Treat Obesity

Published:  | Submitted by Irving Greisman | permalink
Why Exercise and Diet Changes May Not Be Enough to Treat Obesity

To treat people who are obese, doctors need to move beyond simply telling their patients to eat less and exercise more, some researchers argue.

Tip 3 - Thriftiness: Another Piece of the Obesity Puzzle - Aline Pilani

Published:  | Submitted by stiwix | permalink
Thriftiness: Another Piece of the Obesity Puzzle - Aline Pilani

Recently, a group of researchers examined the association of thriftiness with body fat and body temperature. Multiple factors determine...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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