Tip - Offer To Watch Children, Pets, or House-sit for people in your area

Published  | Submitted by Dave Wise

You're out of cash. What do you do? Hit up Moms and Dads.

No, not your mom and dad, silly. Moms and Dads; those worn-out individuals with small children under five who barely remember what it's like to go to a restaurant and not spend the evening quelling tantrums and wiping up spilled water.

There are a lot of part-time jobs you can get in order to turn a quick buck, but exercising the babysitting option is one of the most immediately lucrative. Reliable babysitters are in high demand. You can almost name your price.

Babysitters earn upwards of $15 an hour these days. Offer to sit for friends' kids Friday or Saturday night. The parents will be only too happy to hand you cash when they return.

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Posted: 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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