Thought of letting strangers into your house is scary for some, but in reality we are pass that. Look at services like Airbnb, which allows people to rent their spare room to a total stranger on daily rent.
I have started a restaurant “an eating club” in my house. Been doing it for the last year or so and average weekend, earns me few hundred dollars. I also get to meet lots of interesting people. If I can do it, anyone can do it.
I'm a fairly good Italian cook and my customers agree, that is the best home cooked Italian meal they ever had.
I started with just friends, letting them know I have a restaurant in my house. Eating starts and ends at the same time for everyone. It’s a night in with great food and environment. Than friends started bringing their friends and time came when I had total strangers in my living room.
I mark it up with least two-third profit and everyone wins. A friend of mine also started doing it recently and we refer each other. She does Chinese food and I do Italian.
Posted: 10 years, 11 month(s) ago
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