Tip - Our Rates

Published  | Submitted by Camille Alick
Our Rates

Learning the truth about commission paid and costs of sales is a must and we are glad you have come to this page. You should read up on as much as possible before you hire our company so that there are no surprises in the end and you can take comfort in the fact that you know what is happening from the beginning to the end. This will always be useful, to know more about each step you take in life. You pay nothing up front. (with the exception of our new clean-out option where we hold no in-house sale but rather empty the entire content in a rapid fashion cleaning the house and garage, yard and sheds with little notice and taking all of the items away. This option is good for those families who would prefer not to have strangers come into their parents home to shop, yet still need it emptied and ready to sell as soon as possible. The process will … <a class="more-link" href="http://estatesaleshelp.com/rates/">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>

For further reading: http://estatesaleshelp.com/rates/

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Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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