Tip - Packing for Winter, New York City

Published  | Submitted by ROBERT TOMBEUX
Packing for Winter, New York City

whatever, for a wedding, big hard suitcase. In summer: bikinis, light wear, different hats, sunglasses and suncream(top protection) if needed cameras A comb to tide your hair,...
Tags: 4 seasons, hat in summer adn hat in winter, Be prepared for the cold at this time of year!, Packing List, Be prepared for snow !, Wrap Up To Keep Warm, January visit? wrap up warm!, NYC in the winter..., Winters are cold, Winter wear, Wear a hat or die of explosure!, Visiting in the winter, Footwear in Winter, Fall or winter -- WEAR A GOOD COAT OR DIE!, Beware of the Urban Winter

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Posted: 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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