Pear Shape Body Types

Pear Shape Body Types – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Pear Shape Body Types. This topic was created by Joris Onghena and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Eat Right for Your Body Type

Published:  | Submitted by Badri Raghavan | permalink
Eat Right for Your Body Type

The best way to get the body you want? Embrace the one you have. Knowing your body type is key to finding the best diet and exercise plan for you. Here, we show you which diet can help you make the most of your shape.

Tip 2 - What to Wear to Look Best for The Pear Body Shape | Joy of Clothes

Published:  | Submitted by Scott Jacobs | permalink
What to Wear to Look Best for The Pear Body Shape | Joy of Clothes

Style advice on what to wear and how to look your best for your pear body shape and type. Discover the womens clothes and styles which flatter and suit your pear body shape. Style fashion tips on how to dress for your pear body type
Tags: Body Shape, Pear

Tip 3 - The Best Workout for a Pear-Shaped Body

Published:  | Submitted by Susana Silberberg | permalink

Typical trouble zones: hips, thighs Solution: Lower-body focused, power moves, total-body strength training, and endurance cardio To help even out a heavier lower half, you'll want to create a
Tags: exercise routines, strength training, workouts for women, pear shaped

Tip 4 - A Better Metabolism for Your Body Type

Published:  | Submitted by Joel Thorson | permalink
A Better Metabolism for Your Body Type

No matter what you see in the mirror, there’s a solution to help boost your metabolism and your body shape. Get the fixes for apple, pear and “boxy” body types, plus the metabolism boosters that work for each and every body.
Tags: metabolism,anatomy,nutrition,diet,weightloss

Tip 5 - Body Shape: Pear

Published:  | Submitted by Kenneth Daemicke | permalink
Body Shape: Pear

Your body type is: Pear As a Pear Body type (sometimes called triangle), your hips are larger than your bust and you have a nicely defined waist. You have an elegant neck and proportionately slim arms and shoulders. You first gain weight in your bottom and legs flowed by your tummy and upper bo
Tags: pear body shape,pear body type,how to dress a pear body shape,how to dress a pear body type

Tip 6 - Pear Shape Body Diet: Slim Down & Offset Health Risks Of Your Female Body Shape

Published:  | Submitted by Curtis Mroz | permalink

Have a Pear shape body type? Get quick diet and workout tips to lose weight and offset health risks of your female body shape, which are very different than those of an Apple shaped body with...
Tags: pear shape body,female body shape,pear shaped body,apple shaped body,pear body type

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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6 Tips
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