Perennial Vegetable Plants

Perennial Vegetable Plants – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Perennial Vegetable Plants. This topic was created by Audrius T and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Perennial Vegetables: Grow More Food With Less Work

Published:  | Submitted by Dr Brooks PS 3 | permalink
Perennial Vegetables: Grow More Food With Less Work

Combine permaculture gardening techniques and edible landscaping ingenuity in your garden by growing perennial vegetables. You’ll be surprised by how little work garden perennials require when compared with the work you expend growing annuals. Plus, our list of best perennials and resources guide will get you started with this sustainable, practical gardening technique.
Tags: Perennial Vegetables, Garden Perennials, Growing Perennials, Edible Landscaping, Perennial Garden, Perennial Gardens, Perennial crops, Permaculture Gardening, Best Perennials, Organic Gardening

Tip 2 - Perennial Vegetables: Years of Bounty | Small Footprint Family

Published:  | Submitted by Sonycant | permalink
Perennial Vegetables: Years of Bounty | Small Footprint Family

With the exception of asparagus, rhubarb and artichokes, most gardeners are unaware of the tasty, nutritious bounty that perennial vegetables can offer.

Tip 3 - Plant these 6 perennial vegetables once, and reap their harvest year after year

Published:  | Submitted by Bill Siklee | permalink
Plant these 6 perennial vegetables once, and reap their harvest year after year

Instead of planting all of your veggies anew each year, try adding some of these perennial vegetable varieties to your garden and harvest their fruits again and again.
Tags: Gardening

Tip 4 - Perennial Edibles

Published:  | Submitted by Paula Coutinho | permalink
Perennial Edibles

An easy way to begin your vegetable garden is through planting perennial edibles like asparagus and rhubarb, which come back year after year.
Tags: perennials, edibles, perennial edibles, perennial vegetables, perennial fruits, asparagus, rhubarb, lovage, strawberries, growing asparagus, growing rhubarb, rhubarb perennial, asparagus perennial, strawberry perennial, organic perennials, organic gardening

Tip 5 - Re-discovering Perennial Vegetables

Published:  | Submitted by Suzanne Grzanna | permalink
Re-discovering Perennial Vegetables

Most gardeners plant annuals every year, but planting perennial veggies lets you harvest great edibles forever with just one season's worth of effort.
Tags: perennial vegetables, perennial, vegetable gardening, garden, artichokes, sunchokes, good king henry, stinging nettle, lovage, sea kale, sorrel, miner's lettuce, asparagus, dandelion, watercress, garlic chives, rhubarb, chicory, perennial beans,artichokes,asparagus,chicory,dandelion,garden,garlic chives,good king henry,lovage,miner's lettuce,perennial,perennial beans,rhubarb,sea kale,sorrel,stinging nettle,sunchokes,vegetable gardening,watercress

Tip 6 - Perennial Vegetables: Grow These 8 And Be Set For Years

Published:  | Submitted by John Dale | permalink

I'm a big fan of growing perennial vegetables in my garden -- plant them once, and enjoy the fruits (well, actually, vegetables) of your labors for years to come. They're also among the healthiest veg
Tags: perennial, vegetables:, grow, these, 8, and, be, set, for, years, green

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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