Tip - Personal Finance - 12 Ways to Get out of Credit Card Debt

Published  | Submitted by Ruben Barrera
Personal Finance - 12 Ways to Get out of Credit Card Debt

Everybody with a credit card knows it's smart to pay what you owe at the end of every month - right? According to CardWeb.com, an international credit card tracker, credit card debt is approximately $9000 per household for those carrying at least one credit card. Internet shopping increases the temptation to overspend, since cash or checks are rarely an option if you're online to shop.
Tags: Tips for living within your means; personal budget planning builds household wealth; 12 ways to get out of credit card debt; consolidate debt; home equity loans; credit report; equifax; experian; tuc.com; family loans; borowing from 401(k) to payoff credit card debt; renegotiate credit card terms; debt doctors; Consumer Credit Counseling Services (CCCS); bankruptcy; personal budgets;

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Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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