Personal Qualities Needed to Be a Lawyer

Personal Qualities Needed to Be a Lawyer – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Personal Qualities Needed to Be a Lawyer. This topic was created by Janaki van den Brink and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Personal Qualities Needed to Be a Lawyer

Published:  | Submitted by Tom Mallon | permalink
Personal Qualities Needed to Be a Lawyer

Lawyers handle a variety of legal tasks for their clients. They might represent individuals accused of a crime, a corporation facing a civil lawsuit, or prepare wills for a recently married couple. ...

Tip 2 - Top 10 Qualities of a Great Lawyer -

Published:  | Submitted by Rod Farmer | permalink

Lawyers have existed since ancient times, developing rules in an attempt to maintain peace and order in communities. Today, lawyers can be found all over the world. What does it take to be successful i
Tags: law, top 10, Law

Tip 3 - Personal Qualities Needed to Be a Lawyer | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Lisa Mercurio | permalink
Personal Qualities Needed to Be a Lawyer | eHow

Many people aspire to become a lawyer. Aside from the obvious desire to earn a substantial amount of money, there is much prestige associated with being an attorney. While it takes a considerable amount of money to pay for law school tuition and successful passage of the bar exam to become a lawyer, there are also certain personal qualities that a...

Tip 4 - Core competence: 6 new skills now required of lawyers

Published:  | Submitted by Bert Rankin | permalink
Core competence: 6 new skills now required of lawyers

Up till now, the necessary and sufficient skill set for lawyers has looked something like this (in alphabetical order): Analytical ability Attention to detail Logical reasoning Persuasiveness Sound judgment Writing ability (okay, that one’s apparently optional for some) This list doesn’t include such characteristics as knowledge of the law, courtroom presence, or integrity — these... Read more »

Tip 5 - How to Become a Lawyer: Know the Lawyer Personality.

Published:  | Submitted by Gary Neumann | permalink
How to Become a Lawyer: Know the Lawyer Personality.

Learning How to Become a Lawyer Requires Pre Law School Knowledge of the Lawyer Personality and Distinct Lawyer Character Traits.
Tags: how to become a lawyer,lawyer personality,lawyer character traits,pre law

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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