Physical Development of Cerebral Palsy

Physical Development of Cerebral Palsy – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Physical Development of Cerebral Palsy. This topic was created by Geubert Oliveira and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Developmental Delay | Growth Milestones |

Published:  | Submitted by patrizia pintus | permalink
Developmental Delay | Growth Milestones |

Growth milestones are reached at predictable times during a child's growth cycle. Developmental delay can - but, not always - suggest cause for concern...

Tip 2 - Cognitive Impairment and Cerebral Palsy |

Published:  | Submitted by Dennell Winston | permalink
Cognitive Impairment and Cerebral Palsy |

If a child with cerebral palsy has a cognitive impairment, they require interventions and supports. Learn more about cognition and learning...

Tip 3 - Effects of Cerebral Palsy on a Child's Development | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Dmitri Papichev | permalink
Effects of Cerebral Palsy on a Child's Development | LIVESTRONG.COM

Children with cerebral palsy (CP) have problems with muscle tone, balance and motor skills. CP is caused by brain damage during development. CP is actually an umbrella term that describes several disorders. Depending on the area of the brain that is damaged and the extent of the injury, different symptoms can result. According to the Merck Medical...

Tip 4 - Effects of Cerebral Palsy on a Child's Development

Published:  | Submitted by Darlene Creech | permalink
Effects of Cerebral Palsy on a Child's Development

Cerebral palsy is the most common motor disability in childhood, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and it affects each child differently. This condition is caused by injury ...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

13.7k+ Reads
1 Tips
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