Physiological Symptoms of Depression

Physiological Symptoms of Depression – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Physiological Symptoms of Depression. This topic was created by Nistenf and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Depression: Recognizing the Physical Symptoms

Published:  | Submitted by workshop 4ever | permalink
Depression: Recognizing the Physical Symptoms

Learn about pain, fatigue, and other physical symptoms of depression.
Tags: Physical symptoms of depression, depression, physical symptoms, symptoms, pain, fatigue, weight loss, weight gain, sleep problems, dizziness, pain, symptoms of depression

Tip 2 - The Link Between Depression and Physical Symptoms

Published:  | Submitted by Stewe | permalink
The Link Between Depression and Physical Symptoms

Physical symptoms are common in depression, and, in fact, vague aches and pain are often the presenting symptoms of depression. These symptoms include chronic joint pain, limb pain, back pain, gastrointestinal problems, tiredness, sleep disturbances, ...

Tip 3 - Signs of clinical depession: Symptoms to watch for

Published:  | Submitted by Med Mi V | permalink
Signs of clinical depession: Symptoms to watch for

A continuous low mood is just one possible symptom of depression.
Tags: Symptoms of Depression, depression symptoms, depressed, signs of depression, antidepressants, psychotherapy, clinical depression, major depression, suicide, low mood

Tip 4 - Physical Symptoms of Depression

Published:  | Submitted by Nicholas Dictakis | permalink
Physical Symptoms of Depression

Depression may explain why your back or chest hurts or why you are gaining or losing weight. Learn about physical symptoms that could be signs of depression.

Tip 5 - 9 Physical Symptoms of Depression

Published:  | Submitted by Lokii | permalink
9 Physical Symptoms of Depression

The importance of understanding the physical symptoms of depression is that treating depression can help with the pain--and treating pain can help with depression.
Tags: depression, pain, physical symptoms

Tip 6 - When Depression Hurts

Published:  | Submitted by Norma Osborn | permalink

Depression is a disorder of the body as much as of the mind. Increasingly, there is evidence that depression involves multiple body systems.

Tip 7 - The Effects of Depression on the Body

Published:  | Submitted by Enrico Pasquali | permalink
The Effects of Depression on the Body

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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7 Tips
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