Places to Get Money for Signed Baseballs in NYC

Places to Get Money for Signed Baseballs in NYC – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Places to Get Money for Signed Baseballs in NYC. This topic was created by John Saffery and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Determine the Value of an Autographed Baseball

Published:  | Submitted by leisa jones | permalink
How to Determine the Value of an Autographed Baseball

Many sports fans enjoy collecting sports memorabilia such as baseballs. Sometimes a collector creates a collection as a hobby while other times they are interested in it as an investment. Either way, it...
Tags: baseball autographs antique baseballs baseball baseballs for sale baseballs autographed

Tip 2 - Ask the Experts: How Much Is My Vintage Autographed Baseball Worth?

Published:  | Submitted by Steve D Agostino | permalink
Ask the Experts: How Much Is My Vintage Autographed Baseball Worth?

Do you have vintage sports cards or memorabilia, such as a baseball bat or a football jersey, you would like to have appraised? Starting with this post, I am excited to introduce a new feature in my column called “Ask the Experts.” Please use Forbes’ email function above to send [...]
Tags: Business,Lifestyle,Sports Leisure,SportsMoney,Sports & Leisure,babe ruth,eBay,Mickey Mantle

Tip 3 - Babe Ruth-autographed baseball sold for $250,641 at auction

Published:  | Submitted by iamcrazybob | permalink
Babe Ruth-autographed baseball sold for $250,641 at auction

The ball signed by Babe Ruth to an ailing 11-year-old boy, in which Ruth promised to hit a home run for him, was sold for $250,641 by Grey Flannel Auctions. An official with the auction house said the buyer wishes to remain anonymous.
Tags: Babe Ruth, auction, autograph, memorabilia, Johnny Sylvester, World Series, Grey Flannel Auctions, New York Yankees, MLB

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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