Plasma Vs. LCD Monitors

Plasma Vs. LCD Monitors – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Plasma Vs. LCD Monitors. This topic was created by OG Maverick and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - LCD vs Plasma TVs

Published:  | Submitted by Dhan Bansal | permalink
LCD vs Plasma TVs

Our LCD vs Plasma TV buying guide explains the differences between LCD and Plasma display technology, as well as the pros and cons associated with each.

Tip 2 - LED LCD vs. plasma vs. LCD - CNET

Published:  | Submitted by Lucy Watkins | permalink
LED LCD vs. plasma vs. LCD - CNET

LED LCD vs. plasma vs. LCD: The ultimate tech choice. Debating on which HDTV technology to buy? Debate no longer. OK, not too much longer.

Tip 3 - The pros and cons of LED-LCD and plasma - LED-LCD vs. Plasma

Published:  | Submitted by Schmidt Thomas | permalink
The pros and cons of LED-LCD and plasma - LED-LCD vs. Plasma

Flat-panel TVs use either plasma or LED-backlit LCD screen technology. Learn about the pros and cons of both types so you can decide which one's best for you.

Tip 4 - LED vs. Plasma: Which HDTV Type Is Best?

Published:  | Submitted by Trulans | permalink
LED vs. Plasma: Which HDTV Type Is Best?

For a long time it was tough to call, but LCD/LED HDTVs have unequivocally won the display wars.

Tip 5 - Plasma vs LED vs LCD TVs

Published:  | Submitted by Amy Nelson | permalink

The most important decision when buying a new TV is the type of display: a plasma, an LED or an LCD TV. As shown by the pictures below, they all have their advantages. However, most people will prefer an LED TV unless they have a dark viewing environment.
Tags: TV, television, lcd, led, plasma, edge-lit, full array, ccfl, chart, 2013

Tip 6 - Plasma vs LED/LCD TV for a monitor

Published:  | Submitted by Fabricio Mainieri | permalink
Plasma vs LED/LCD TV for a monitor

Hey everyone, I need some advice, I am in the market for a new tv, because my 32 samsung lcd's mainboard died 2 months ago (not worth the money to fix it), and I am a student, so I am on a tight b

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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