Please help! I am having a hard time potty training my son, any tips would help greatly.

My son is almost 3 years old and he goes to the toilet but refuses to take off his pull-up. He goes when he feels like going! I have tried the whole positive reinforcement technique but no luck. Any mums out there to shed a light on this, would help greatly.

Tip 1 - Be consistent and patient

Published:  | Submitted by Melinda Brown | permalink

Studies have shown that children learn faster when potty training is consistent and they are not switched between diapers and pants. Once you have decided to potty train your child, stick to it and have patience.

Tip 2 - Be Creative, Give a Reward!

Published:  | Submitted by Stephanie Cheng | permalink

Let your son know that upon following your instruction he will get a prize maybe M&M, Mars or something which kids always wish to have. This way just for getting a prize again from you he will follow your instruction over and over.

Tip 3 - Make dry runs and have your son sit on the potty to get used to it

Published:  | Submitted by Lizzy | permalink

You don't have to take your son to the potty only when he has to go. You can have some dry runs to help him get the feel of it. Let him sit on the potty even with his diapers and pants on and let him go about his business so that he gets used to it. Once he is comfortable sitting on the potty he will be more likely to use it.

Tip 4 - Use the colored water trick

Published:  | Submitted by Hannah Jones | permalink

Use food colors to color the water red or blue in the potty and when it changes after your kid is done, he will find it interesting and want to do it again when he has to go the next time.

Tip 5 - Motivate your son using music and make it fun

Published:  | Submitted by Amara | permalink

Whenever he sits on the potty you can sing a made-up song about what he is doing or thinking and then when he is done you can sing a different song. The point is to have fun and make it enjoyable when he is using the potty. Soon he will be using it automatically.