Popular nutrition myths believed to be true

Popular nutrition myths believed to be true. How many of us have heard of things from others and believed it to be true?  Nutrition is important and a lay person does not know the difference between the nutritional truth or myth. Please only add actual nutritional myths and link it to a site for further reading. 

Tip 1 - Is It True: Natural is better

Published:  | Submitted by ArifMirza | permalink
Is It True: Natural is better

We've all heard this one, and my answer to this slogan is, "Arsenic is technically natural." There's no set definition for "natural" on a food label, and if you ask the FDA what they consider to be natural, here's what you'll find out: From a food science perspective, it is difficult to define a food product as "natural" because the food has probably been processed and is no longer the product of the earth. However, the agency has not objected to the use of the term if the food does not contain added color, artificial flavors, or synthetic substances.
Many manufacturers who produce "natural" products to improve your health aren't always qualified to do so, and if you're.....

By: Pamela Nisevich Bede

Tip 2 - Cold Weather Will Not Give You A Cold

Published:  | Submitted by EatingRight | permalink
Cold Weather Will Not Give You A Cold

Cold Weather Will Not Give You A Cold.  You've been out and got caught in the rain. Shivering and soaked, you feel cold right down to your bones. You've plunged into a hot bath as soon as you got home and didn't feel warm till the next day. Somehow you just feel like you're actually getting ill while it's happening -- but you are wrong.
Both cold and flu are caused by infections, usually by people sneezing or touching their nose with their hands and transferring germs to an object that you then touch (a door handle, for example, or a newspaper). The most common way a cold is transferred is by a handshake. People would argue that when you're cold, your immune system is less effective at fighting these germs and, thus, you are more likely to catch a cold. But again, this is false. Tests have shown that you are just as likely to pick up a cold in the balmy heat of the tropics as you are in Alaska.

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Category: Health & Fitness | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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