Ported Vs. Enclosed Sub Box

Ported Vs. Enclosed Sub Box – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Ported Vs. Enclosed Sub Box. This topic was created by DIANE OLIVER and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Sealed or ported: the differences in subs and enclosures

Published:  | Submitted by Randy Clyde | permalink
Sealed or ported: the differences in subs and enclosures

A sealed subwoofer easily produces 'tight' bass, while a ported sub more readily plays 'boomy' bass. Which you prefer depends on the style of music you like and how you want it played.

Tip 2 - Sealed vs Ported Subwoofers: Which Is Right For You?

Published:  | Submitted by Ron Copeland | permalink
Sealed vs Ported Subwoofers: Which Is Right For You?

Sealed vs. ported subwoofers is is one of the great debates in the audio world. Click to read the Audioholics' analysis of how these alignments compare and contrast.

Tip 3 - Ported vs Sealed Box Enclosure

Published:  | Submitted by BILL FENTON | permalink
Ported vs Sealed Box Enclosure

     Sub Woofer Enclosures     70% of your sound of your sub woofer is due to the design and build quality of your sub enclosure.  When picking a sub woofer box, deciding to either go sealed or ported...
Tags: Sub box Sub Enclosure Ported Box Sealed Box Sub Woofer

Tip 4 - Sealed Sub Enclosures vs. Ported Sub Enclosures

Published:  | Submitted by Stuart Mundy | permalink
Sealed Sub Enclosures vs. Ported Sub Enclosures

One major characteristic of modern automotive audio systems is their subwoofers. The subwoofer provides the extremely low notes near the bottom threshold of the human range of hearing and below it. It...
Tags: subwoofer enclosures bass subwoofer speaker car audio

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

10.9k+ Reads
4 Tips
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