Tip - Pretzel Rods from 'Classic Snacks Made from Scratch'

Published  | Submitted by Dave Partington
Pretzel Rods from 'Classic Snacks Made from Scratch'

Is there any snacker on earth who doesn't like pretzels? Their malty, subtle sweetness, generous crunch, and potent salt coating make for an easy-to-love snack that never really grows old. In Casey Barber's Classic Snacks Made from Scratch, the hard pretzels are a classic take on the form. No sourdough starter or fancy flours here, just good old yeast, brown sugar, and baking soda.
Tags: Casey Barber,Classic Snacks Made from Scratch,cook the book,hard pretzels,vegetarian

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Posted: 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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