Prevention of Sinus Infections

Prevention of Sinus Infections – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Prevention of Sinus Infections. This topic was created by Mac Roman Guy and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Sinus Infection Causes, Symptoms, Treatment - Sinus Infection Prevention - eMedicineHealth

Published:  | Submitted by Randy Sheinbein | permalink
Sinus Infection Causes, Symptoms, Treatment - Sinus Infection Prevention - eMedicineHealth

Learn about sinus infection, or sinusitis, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options.

Tip 2 - Sinusitis-Prevention

Published:  | Submitted by Rich Lounsbury | permalink

There are several ways you may reduce your risk of developing sinusitis: Treat stuffiness (nasal congestion) caused by colds or allergies promptly, avoid contact with people with colds or other viral upper respiratory infections, avoid smoke in your home
Tags: sinusitis, reducing your risk of developing sinusitis

Tip 3 - How to Prevent Sinus Infections

Published:  | Submitted by hnewland indus | permalink
How to Prevent Sinus Infections

There are several practical measures you can take to prevent sinusitis and reduce the risk of sinus infections.

Tip 4 - 7 Ways to Prevent Sinus Infections

Published:  | Submitted by Rodrigo Mota | permalink
7 Ways to Prevent Sinus Infections

There are no methods that have been scientifically proven to prevent acute or chronic sinusitis. Your healthcare professional may recommend the following measures that can help:
Tags: sinus infections, preventing the pain, pressure and congestion, congestion, sinus congestion, stuffy nose,

Tip 5 - Simple Tips to Avoid Nasal Congestion

Published:  | Submitted by TUNNY 888 | permalink
Simple Tips to Avoid Nasal Congestion

Sinusitis and nasal congestion, which is also called "stuffy nose," may be caused by poor humidity levels or exposure to mold and fungi.
Tags: sinusitis, sinus infection, stuffy nose, nasal congestion, chronic sinusitis, humidity levels, sinus infection causes, treat sinusitis

Tip 6 - Sinus Infection: Prevention & Treatment

Published:  | Submitted by momochinchin | permalink
Sinus Infection: Prevention & Treatment

Learn how to prevent and treat sinus infection from the primary care physicians at Wake Forest Baptist Health in Winston-Salem, NC.
Tags: sinus infection, wake forest baptist medical center, forsyth county north carolina

Tip 7 - Sinus Infection (Sinusitis) Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - Can sinus infection be prevented? - MedicineNet

Published:  | Submitted by Errol Nicholson | permalink
Sinus Infection (Sinusitis) Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - Can sinus infection be prevented? - MedicineNet

Learn about sinus infection (sinusitis) signs and symptoms such as headache, fever, and facial tenderness, pressure, or pain. Treatments of sinus infections are generally with antibiotics.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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