Proven Ways to Raise Capital

Proven Ways to Raise Capital – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Proven Ways to Raise Capital. This topic was created by Susan Milan and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Raising Capital for Small Businesses by Selling Stock |

Published:  | Submitted by kathy bartels | permalink
Raising Capital for Small Businesses by Selling Stock |

While selling stock to the public is generally not an option for a small business, selling stock in a private placement is a way of procuring cash from investors.

Tip 2 - 5 Clever Ideas to Raise Funds

Published:  | Submitted by Dan Lusky | permalink
5 Clever Ideas to Raise Funds

If you have come here looking for ways to raise money for your startup, here's some good news -- raising money for your startup isn't as challenging as you're probably thinking.

Tip 3 - The Secrets To Raising Money---For Any Endeavor

Published:  | Submitted by Imtiaz Malik | permalink
The Secrets To Raising Money---For Any Endeavor

Need capital to launch or expand? Heed this timeless wisdom.
Tags: Business,Entrepreneurs,Investing,Leadership,Tech,Bryan Johnson,Citigroup,Entrepreneurship,hedge fund,Venture capital

Tip 4 - 12 Tips on Raising Venture Capital for Your Startup

Published:  | Submitted by Wallace Craft | permalink
12 Tips on Raising Venture Capital for Your Startup

Burning a hole at the top of a long list of needs for a startup entrepreneur is good old Benjamin Franklins. Yes -- stacks of capital needed to fund dreams of a vast and bright future. And what entrepreneur among you couldn’t use a few more dollars for your startup? Yes -- just [...]
Tags: Business,entrepreneurs,Financing,Leadership,Management,startups,Strategies Solutions,Strategies & Solutions,Paul Jones,Silicon Valley,venture capital

Tip 5 - In Search Of Funding: 7 Core Principles To Raise Capital

Published:  | Submitted by Suzanne Duddek | permalink
In Search Of Funding: 7 Core Principles To Raise Capital

Answer me this: What would you give for the inside scoop on how to build a $40 million dollar business? Straight talk direct from one of the founders and current CEO who built the thing from scratch and recently hauled in over $50 million from Goldman Sachs? Good news my friend. Entrepreneur Clate Mask [...]
Tags: Business,entrepreneurs,Financing,Insights,Leaders,Leadership,Small Business Strategies,startups,Strategies Solutions,Strategies & Solutions,Clate Mask,entrepreneurship,InfusionSoft,venture capital

Tip 6 - How to Raise Venture Capital - The Startup Guide - Creating a Better World Through Entrepreneurship

Published:  | Submitted by Jeffrey Paige | permalink
How to Raise Venture Capital - The Startup Guide - Creating a Better World Through Entrepreneurship

Tip 7 - How to Raise Capital for a Small Business - Ryan Westwood

Published:  | Submitted by Joe Maggio | permalink
How to Raise Capital for a Small Business - Ryan Westwood

For new businesses and small startups, gaining access to capital can present a unique challenge. Although there are a variety of ways to raise capital, here I offer a few options for business leaders to consider.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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7 Tips
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