Punishment for Cyberbullying

Punishment for Cyberbullying – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Punishment for Cyberbullying. This topic was created by Black Man PCG and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Cyberbullying - FindLaw

Published:  | Submitted by Fabiana de Oliveira Ferreira | permalink
Cyberbullying - FindLaw

Cyber bullying is one of the unwelcome byproducts of the so-called Internet age. Along with the explosion of social media onto mainstream life, sometimes bullying
Tags: Cyber Crimes, Criminal Law, Criminal Charges

Tip 2 - Cyberbullying Laws and School Policy: A Blessing or Curse?

Published:  | Submitted by Richard Drolet | permalink

Many schools are now in a difficult position of having to respond to a mandate to have a cyberbullying policy, without much guidance from the state about the circumstances under which they can (or must) respond.  When folks ask me if I think there needs to be a "cyberbullying law" I basically respond by saying "perhaps - but not the kind of law most legislators would propose."  I would look for a law to be more "prescriptive" than "proscriptive."  By that, I mean I would like to see specific guidance from states about *how* and *when* schools can take action in cyberbullying incidents.  Many states have taken the easy way out by simply passing laws saying effectively "schools need to deal with this."  Not only have they stopped short in terms of providing specific instructions or even a framework from which schools can evaluate their role, but they have not provided any additional resources to address these issues.  Some states are now requiring schools [...]

Tip 3 - Cyber-bullies could face two years in jail under new internet troll rules

Published:  | Submitted by vuekmi | permalink
Cyber-bullies could face two years in jail under new internet troll rules

Maximum custodial term could be increased to two years for offenders with proposed bump to crown court. By Samuel Gibbs
Tags: Twitter,Cyberbullying,Society,Internet,Social networking,Social media,Facebook,Smartphones,Mobile phones,Technology,Law,UK news

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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