China's peer-to-peer industry, known as internet finance locally, began growing explosively around 3 years ago.purchase email marketing lists “It was led by Alibaba, which launched an interesting money market fund product called Yu'e Bao [in June 2013]," says Barry Freeman, an American expat who co-founded leading Chinese internet finance company Jimubox in 2013.
"It was really the beginning of a tidal wave of Chinese investors moving their capital online. We launched our product right about the time that product [Yu'e Bao] was gaining mass market acceptance and have been able to grow our business very successfully thanks to mobile uptake."
Ryan Lichtenwald/LenditJimubox CFO and co-founder Barry Freeman, left, and CEO and co-founder Allen Dong.Freeman says there's been a "perfect storm" of conditions for peer-to-peer lending in China. The country's state-controlled banking system doesn't offer credit to consumers or small businesses, creating pent-up demand. Freeman says only around 2% of small businesses have access to loans, but they make up 60% of the economy. On the
Posted: 9 years, 3 month(s) ago
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