Quick and Easy Salad Recipes to Make at Home

I am trying to get more green into my diet and wanted to try out different salads so it doesn't become boring. Please share any quick and easy salad recipes which I can make at home. I don't mind meat or any other ingredients as long as the salad is healthy.

Tip 1 - Avocado, tomatoes, and cucumbers with a hint of lemon

Published:  | Submitted by michellevette | permalink
Avocado, tomatoes, and cucumbers with a hint of lemon

1 Avocado

1 Tomato

1 Cucumber

Lemon Zest

Cut up the avocado, tomato, and cucumber into big chunks and then squeeze a bit of lemon over it. 

Avocado helps fight cholesterol and it increases good fat.


Tip 2 - Zucchini Salad

Published:  | Submitted by Po Hou | permalink

Grate 3 zucchinis and boil a cup of rice. Now take half a cup of oil in a pan and add the grated zucchinis to it to cook for about 10 minutes. Once the zucchinis are cooked, add a cup of mayo, yogurt and half a teaspoon of salt to them and mix it all up before serving.

Tip 3 - Prawn Cocktail

Published:  | Submitted by Sara Miller | permalink

This is a treat for prawn lovers. Get some prawns, lettuce, cucumber, carrots, tomato ketchup and salad cream.

Place the cucumber, lettuce and carrots into a bowl and mix them up together. In another dish, add the ketchup and the salad cream and mix them up too. Now add the cooked prawns on top of the cucumbers and carrots and then pour the ketchup and salad cream sauce on them.

Tip 4 - Goats Cheese Salad

Published:  | Submitted by Stacy Gonyou | permalink

You need some goats cheese, bacon (if you like), lettuce, cucumber, tomato, lemon, mustard, honey, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Now heat up your oven and place the goats cheese on a tray inside it. Take the honey and mustard (2 tbsp) in a bowl and add olive oil and lemon juice to them. Now add salt and pepper according to your taste and stir it all until a mixture is formed.

Now prepare your bacon (shred it) and put together lettuce, sliced cucumber and tomatoes. Now add the dressing mixture to it and then top it up with the shreded bacon and the melted goat cheese.

Tip 5 - Tuna Salad

Published:  | Submitted by Rola Hamdan | permalink

This is a really quick and easy recipe. All you need is a can of tuna, some lettuce, spinach, 1 egg (soft boiled), olives, tomatoes, cucumber, potatoes and salad dressing.

Wash all the ingredients (not the tuna) and mix them up together. Slice the boiled egg and place it around the plate and then add the tuna on top of it all. Serve this with the salad dressing.

Tip 6 - Chicken and Avocado Salad

Published:  | Submitted by Randi Franklin | permalink

Take one chicken breast, an avocado, some grated cheese, a salad dressing and boiled potatoes. Cook the chicken breast in the oven (bake or roast it) and scoop out the avocado. Grate the cheese to sprinkle on top of the avocado pulp and add some salt to it if you want.

When the chicken is cooked, cut it up into small cubes and mix it up with the avocado and cheese for a great salad.

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Category: Food & Drink | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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